How a Ghanaian turned the moringa plant into a business

(FORBES AFRICA) When Ben Ajofu was diagnosed with hypertension at the age of 35, doctors told him he would be on medication for the rest of his life. Ajofu proved them wrong; within three to six months of taking moringa, he realised his blood pressure had lowered.

“I didn’t really want to take medication at 35 for the rest of my life,” says Ajofu.

The improvement in Ajofu’s health led to him becoming one of the most enthusiastic advocates of the moringa plant in Ghana. He is the founder of Moringa King, a producer of juice and powder containing parts of the plant… READ MORE

Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is a plant that has been praised for its health benefits for thousands of years.

It is very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds.

So far, scientists have only investigated a fraction of the many reputed health benefits.

Here are 6 health benefits of Moringa oleifera that are supported by scientific research. Moringa oleifera Is Very Nutritious Moringa oleifera is a fairly large tree native to North India. It goes by a variety of names, such as drumstick tree, horseradish tree or ben oil tree. Almost all parts of the tree are eaten or used as ingredients in traditional herbal medicines…READ MORE


Kosmos Innovation Trains 9 Ghanaian Agribusinesses

Nine Ghanaian agribusinesses selected to participate in the inaugural Kosmos Innovation Center Business Booster programme have successfully completed six months of training designed to help them grow their businesses.

The training programme culminated into the second and final five-day bootcamp which focused on preparing nine businesses to meet potential investors.

Twelve investors, whose intention is to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return, participated in the day’s event. These are Meclink, which produces high-quality vegetables for the domestic market; Moringa Connect, a fruit processing company…READ MORE



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Moringa King